People’s Church runs on relationship. We are called to fulfill the purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism.
We believe that when all five of these purposes flourish, the church becomes a healthy, balanced organism, with the capacity to grow steadily into the fullness of God’s design for it.


Every weekend, our church is led by talented and committed musicians who make up our campus worship teams. Across 20 different locations, these teams serve the mission of our church by creating an atmosphere that helps people experience God’s presence.


Every weekend, our church is led by talented and committed musicians who make up our campus worship teams. Across 20 different locations, these teams serve the mission of our church by creating an atmosphere that helps people experience God’s presence.


We believe in pursuing the heart of God. It is our desire to be in His presence and to celebrate
Him by expressing our love and gratitude toward Him, in song, in the use of our talents,
in words, in giving, and inaction. We believe that God is honoured in our world when we chose to live lives of worship.
Talk to Pastor Dhishan Wickramaratne (Jr) on dhishan.w@peopleschurch.lk for more information