Fellowship is one of purpose of our church which is driven on by the Five Purposes.  The saved believers those who have been educated and trained are been promoted to be in the  ministries  of serving God is the  main theme of this purpose. The Small Group fellowship is been given prominent in this purpose.

Get every believers of the church to have spiritual relationship with other members of the church.

Our Activities

To have fellowship in the Small Groups.

Pastoral Care

To encourage every believers to have proper relationship with their family members, and  also to train them in ministries.

Training in Small Group leadership.


We believe in relationship. Every believer is part of God’s great family, and this is something we celebrate.
As a church, we encourage, nurture, and facilitate healthy relationships – between the believer and God,
between individuals, and in families – through our small group network, and our adults,’ youth, and children’s networks.
Talk to Pastor Ashan Jayewickrama at ashan.j@peopleschurch.lk for more information.